Have your say on CQ Health’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy

Closed 30 Jun 2022

Opened 4 Apr 2022


CQ Heath are developing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025 in partnership with community, so that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people get the best clinical care that is led by their cultural, emotional and spiritual needs, through services that provide positive experiences and are free from racism.

We will be yarning with and listening to everyone (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, families and carers, community and health professionals) to build the Health Equity Strategy from the grassroots.

We want to hear from you!

The survey will take about five minutes to complete. Your feedback is greatly valued and all information you provide will remain confidential if you choose.

For further information, please contact Ross Atu, Health Equity Project Lead, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service 4932 5231 or visit Making Tracks Together: Health equity framework | Queensland Health


  • All Areas


  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander


  • Healthcare