Tell us about your experience at Maternal and Child Health Services

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Closes 31 Jan 2025

Consent and privacy notice

Consent and privacy notice

By responding to this consultation, you are volunteering to provide your personal information to Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service via Citizen Space. The technology behind this service and its operation is provided by Delib.

Personal information collected by Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service is handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Maternal and Child Health Service is collecting your personal information to conduct a parent and family survey to gain insight if services offered are being utilised throughout the Rockhampton region and Capricorn Coast region to ensure we are meeting you and your family needs. All personal information will be securely stored and only accessible by Maternal and Child Health Service.

If you have any queries regarding this survey, please do not hesitate to contact Christine Young, Nurse Unit Manager, Maternal and Child Health Service on 07 49206 906. For information about how Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service protects your personal information, or to learn about your right to access your own personal information, please see our website at

For further information as to how the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service process your personal data please click here for our privacy notice.