53 results
Tell us about your experience at Maternal and Child Health Services
We would like to know about your recent experience with our service. We strive to provide you the best possible experience with our service. Your feedback is important and will help us make improvements to our service. The survey will take about five minutes to complete. Your feedback is valued and all information you provide will remain confidential. If you need help completing the survey, call us on 0749206906 or 0436 648 875. You can learn... MoreClosed 28 February 2025 -
Have your say on Rockhampton Mental Health Unit Expansion
We’re building a new 32-bed state-of-the-art mental health facility at Rockhampton Hospital. It will provide high quality treatment and care to more consumers in Rockhampton and surrounding areas experiencing mental illness. We invite you to have your say on this project. The survey will take about five minutes to complete. You can choose to remain anonymous. Your feedback, questions and sharing your stories and experiences is greatly valued, it will help... MoreClosed 31 January 2025 -
Old Blackwater Multipurpose Health Service
For many, the old Blackwater hospital is an outdated building in need of demolition. For others it’s a place which hosted five decades of memories. Some memories joyous, some memories triumphant, and some memories sad and difficult, but they are all important. Here, Blackwater community and hospital staff, can share their memories and stories, of their loved ones, their colleagues, and their experiences in the old Hospital. Please share with us your... MoreClosed 20 December 2024 -
Help shape our next Health Equity Strategy for 2025–2028
We are reviewing our Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025 . We are seeking your feedback on the actions and their impact on health services. We would like to know if you feel that health equity is working. Your voice will inform the next three years in reshaping our health services and meeting the health and wellbeing needs for our First Nations communities across the health service. MoreClosed 30 November 2024 -
CQHHS New Starter Entry Survey
Your responses to the CQHHS New Starter Entry Survey, will contribute to the ongoing improvement of our Organisational Culture , its Strategy, Objectives and Annual Action Plans. MoreClosed 7 October 2024 -
CQHHS Exit Survey
Your responses will contribute to the ongoing improvement of our Organisational Culture , its Strategy, Objectives and Annual Action Plans MoreClosed 7 October 2024 -
Have your say on Capricorn Coast (Yeppoon) Renal Dialysis
We’re building a new satellite renal dialysis unit at Capricorn Coast Hospital and Health Service, Yeppoon. The unit will provide access to care closer to home. Patients from Yeppoon and surrounds will no longer need to travel to Rockhampton Hospital for life-sustaining treatment. Patient care will be supported by the Kidney health service, based at Rockhampton Hospital, with expert and dedicated renal nurses. We invite you to have your say on this... MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
We want your feedback on culturally safe spaces in hospital and healthcare
We would like to hear from our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, to help inform us in creating culturally safe spaces in our hospital and healthcare facilities . The survey will take about five minutes to complete. Your feedback is valued and all information you provide will remain confidential. MoreClosed 11 August 2024 -
Let’s have a cuppa and chat Central Highlands Consumer Advisory Group
Let’s have a cuppa and chat. Our Consumer Advisory Group meets monthly. It is a great opportunity to have a cuppa and a chat with the leaders of Central Highlands Hospital and Health Services. Our next session is on Thursday 12 September at 5.30pm. MoreOpened 15 July 2024 -
Have your say on Rockhampton Cardiac Hybrid Theatre
We’re building a new Cardiac Hybrid Theatre at Rockhampton Hospital. This will give Central Queenslanders access to enhanced cardiac services, and we can treat patients closer to home. We invite you to have your say on this project. The survey will take about five minutes to complete. You can choose to remain anonymous. Your feedback, questions and sharing your stories and experiences is greatly valued, it will help us inform this project. For... MoreOpened 15 May 2024 -
CQ Health Consumer Representative Application form 2021-2022 CQ Allied Health Advisory Group
Allied health professionals provide care to people of all ages who might have a range of different or chronic health issues. If you, or someone you care for, or someone you know has accessed our Central Queensland Allied Health services - we want to hear from you! Your experience and feedback are important to us. We have several health consumer roles available and need people from across Central Queensland with different backgrounds and experience to apply. ... MoreClosed 28 August 2022 -
Have your say on CQ Health’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy
CQ Heath are developing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025 in partnership with community, so that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people get the best clinical care that is led by their cultural, emotional and spiritual needs, through services that provide positive experiences and are free from racism. We will be yarning with and listening to everyone (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, families and carers, community and... MoreClosed 30 June 2022 -
CQ Health Consumer Representative Application form 2021-2022
Thank you for registering your interest in volunteering to be a Health Consumer Representative for Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service. Our health consumer representatives have opportunities to participate in many aspects of our health service, from committee participation, consultation, focus groups or recruitment panels. As a health consumer representative, you will need to be able volunteer a few hours of your time when needed for the engagement... MoreClosed 30 June 2022 -
CQ Health Community (People's Choice) Award Nomination Form 2022
CQ Health Community (People’s Choice) Award We are inviting our Central Queensland community to nominate a staff member or a team who you believe has displayed the health service values of care, integrity, respect and commitment, and has delivered an outstanding service to patients, consumers, visitors or the community. Sponsored by MoreClosed 15 May 2022 -
CQ Health Consumer Representatives - apply here
We are calling for patients, carers and health consumers (past or present) in the Central Queensland health region to be involved in our strategic committees and clinical networks. These roles require the valuable input of a formal health consumer representative. You will need to volunteer a few hours of your time each month for reading and committee work. These roles are formal health consumer representative positions. This means you will need to go through an application and... MoreClosed 31 December 2021 -
CQ Youth Interagency Health Forum 2021
We are very pleased to announce our 2021 Youth Interagency Health Forum. 8 th annual CQ Youth Interagency Health Forum FREE local professional development Open to all NGOs, GOs and Community Members working directly or indirectly with Youth in Clinical, Educational, Preventative or Support Services. Monday 25 October 2021 8.30am to 5pm Rockhampton Leagues Club Cambridge Street Program includes: Interactive... MoreClosed 21 October 2021 -
CQ Health Community (People's Choice) Award Nomination Form 2021
CQ Health Community (People’s Choice) Award We are inviting our Central Queensland community to nominate a staff member or a team who you believe has displayed the health service values of care, integrity, respect and commitment, and has delivered an outstanding service to patients, consumers, visitors or the community. Sponsored by MoreClosed 9 May 2021 -
Call for CQ Health Consumer Representatives - Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Maternity Clinical Network
We are inviting our health consumers, carers or family members (past or present) to join us on our Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Maternity Clinical Network at CQ Health. Anyone can apply, you can be a woman who has had a gynaecology procedure, an expecting parent, parent, grandparent or carer as long as you live in Central Queensland, have an interest in planning for the future of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Maternity services in Central Queensland and providing great care closer to home... MoreClosed 20 September 2020 -
Role, experience and perception about “10,000 Lives” and smoking cessation activities in Central Queensland
Currently we are facing one of the largest pandemics of the history which has significant consequences on people’s health and wellbeing. Community lockdowns and self-isolation may impact on mental health and lead to changes in some behaviours such as tobacco smoking. Consequently, you may notice a change in the interests for smoking cessation by the people who smoke. In this context, we seek to understand your role, experience and perception about “10,000 Lives” and smoking... MoreClosed 22 August 2020 -
Call for CQ Health Consumer Representatives - Information Management Committee
We are inviting our patients, consumers or carers to join us on our Information Management Committee at CQ Health. This is a governance committee responsible for how our health service looks after patient and staff information. This information comes from a number of different systems and may be in electronic or paper based files. The committee brings together representatives from the teams across our health service who are responsible for inputting, managing and safeguarding this... MoreClosed 5 January 2020 -
What specialist outpatient services do you want at Gladstone Hospital?
When Gladstone Hospital’s new $42 million Emergency Department is completed in April/May 2020, a million-dollar contract will be awarded for the redevelopment of the existing emergency department into a bigger and better Specialist Outpatient Department. The redeveloped Specialist Outpatient Department will complement the unprecedented growth and investment in staffing, infrastructure and service delivery. You can read more about the great staff and great services. ... MoreClosed 27 October 2019 -
Call for CQ Health Consumer Representatives CCAC
We are inviting our health consumers to participate on our CQ Health Community and Consumer Advisory Committee (CCAC) . You will not be required to have any specialist skills or health knowledge – let us focus on this. There are several formal health consumer representative positions available. This is a volunteer position with the ability to claim reasonable out-of-pocket expenses while in the position. Monthly meetings are held at Rockhampton Hospital with... MoreClosed 22 September 2019 -
CQ Youth Interagency Health Forum 2019
This event is fully booked FREE Professional Development 6 th annual “CQ Youth Interagency Health Forum” FULL DAY FORUM 8:00AM - 4:30PM - 30th August 2019 Venue CQ University, 630 Ibis Ave (CQIRP Building), North Rockhampton Open to all Non Government Organisations, Government Organisations and Communicty Members working directly or indirectly with youth in clinical, educational, preventative or support services. Guest speakers... MoreClosed 11 August 2019 -
CQ Health Community (People's Choice) Award Nomination Form 2019
CQ Health Community (People’s Choice) Award We are inviting our Central Queensland community to nominate a staff member or team who you believe has displayed the health service values of Care, Integrity, Respect and Commitment, and has delivered an outstanding service to patients, visitors or the community. Sponsored by MoreClosed 6 May 2019 -
Visitor survey - food and drink
CQ Health food and drink supply survey Purpose: The purpose of this survey is to understand how staff and visitors to Central Queensland Health Service facilities feel about the food and beverage options available on site so we can make improvements to the products we have available. This is a survey being conducted by a project officer employed by Queensland Health. Participation: You are invited to participate in this survey because you are working for or visiting our health... MoreClosed 10 March 2019 -
Food and drink focus group survey
We are two student dietitians from Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, who have been allocated the task of promotion and marketing to best inform staff and visitors for the health initiative, as follows. As part of a state-wide initiative, CQHHS will be rolling out the “A Better Choice” initiative. The main feature of this is a “Traffic Light” system, whereby foods are classified as Green (healthiest), Amber (foods to be selected carefully) and Red (foods to be... MoreClosed 27 February 2019 -
Register to receive Rockhampton Hospital car park communications
Thank you for your interest in receiving email communications about the Rockhampton Hospital Car Park Redevelopment Project. By completing this form, you agree that your personal details will be added to our email communications database. This database is used to by the health service for the sole purpose of informing you of the latest car park project information. Your personal details will remain confidential. We will remove your details at any time on your request. MoreClosed 31 December 2018 -
Destination 2030: Strategic documents consultation
CQ Health staff and our community had extensive input into the development of our strategic vision Destination 2030: Great Care for Central Queenslanders . We are launching a new round of consultation on our short-term strategies and actions that will help us deliver Destination 2030: Destination 2020 Road map Strategic Plan 2018-2022 Clinician Engagement Strategy 2018-2022 Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy 2018-2022 MoreClosed 31 May 2018 -
CQ Health Community (People's Choice) Award Nomination Form
CQ Health Community (People’s Choice) Award We are inviting our Central Queensland community to nominate a staff member or team who you believe has displayed the health service values of Care, Integrity, Respect and Commitment, and has delivered an outstanding service to patients, visitors or the community. Sponsored by MoreClosed 8 May 2018 -
Rockhampton state high - personal attitudes survey
this survey was completed by students of Mental Health Day at the School by the School Based Youth Health Nurse MoreClosed 22 February 2018
53 results.
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