52 results
Cancer Clinical Symposium evaluation survey 2017
This is a post Cancer Clinical Symposium evaluation survey. Your feedback will help us improve future symposiums. MoreClosed 20 November 2017 -
Junior Doctors Training Experience Survey
CQHHS is undertaking this survey to review and respond to the needs of junior doctors. This anonymous survey will encompass areas such as access to professional development leave, ease of payment of overtime and the culture of the facility. MoreClosed 6 November 2017 -
North Rockhampton State High School - Evaluations for Mental Health Week 2017
This evaluation is undertaken with Student from North Rockhampton State High School who attended the Mental Health Week Celebrations. MoreClosed 28 October 2017 -
Rockhampton Hospital Maternity Unit Service Survey
Patient satisfaction survey MoreClosed 30 September 2017 -
Rockhampton Hospital Maternity Unit Visiting Hours Survey 2017
Visiting hours survey MoreClosed 30 September 2017 -
Destination 2030 Consultation Feedback
Our Destination 2030: Great Care for Central Queenslanders strategy will shape the future of health care across our region, and support our aim for Central Queenslanders to be amongst the healthiest in the world. Our vision and our strategy for the next decade and beyond is set out in this document and it provides a clear vision for the future and the key milestones for 2020 and for 2025 that we will use to measure our progress on our journey to Destination 2030. Our ambition is simple,... MoreClosed 26 September 2017 -
Rockhampton Hospital Emergency Department Staff Satisfaction Survey
Feedback is sought from Rockhampton Hospital Emergency Department personnel to inform the ongoing work being undertaken as part of the Patient Flow projects. MoreClosed 24 September 2017 -
Blood Borne Virus & Sexual Health Service Customer Survey August 2017
Thank you for attending 92 Bolsover Street. We are always aiming to improve our service to our clients and would value your opinion on the service you received. If you would like to provide feedback, please complete the following confidential short survey. There's just five questions and no personal details to provide. MoreClosed 15 September 2017 -
SBYHN Rockhampton High State School HPE talk
The School Based Youth Health Nurse has a requirement to provide students with health information sessions. We ask for the survey to be completed by students in the talk so that we may improve the content and also to ensure that the students are understanding the content being given. MoreClosed 8 September 2017 -
SBYHN Rockhampton High State School Health talk
The School Based Youth Health Nurse has a requirement to provide students with health information sessions. We ask for the survey to be completed by students in the talk so that we may improve the content and also to ensure that the students are understanding the content being given. MoreClosed 8 September 2017 -
SBYHN Rockhampton High State School Early Childhood Studies talk
The School Based Youth Health Nurse has a requirement to provide students with health information sessions. We ask for the survey to be completed by students in the talk so that we may improve the content and also to ensure that the students are understanding the content being given. MoreClosed 8 September 2017 -
CQHHS Staff Knowledge Survey - Risk Management
Results will be used to measure whether action needs to be taken to improve workforce understanding of risk management framework and systems. MoreClosed 31 July 2017 -
Emerald Hospital Clinical Handover
Survey of Emerald Clinicians to gain a more indepth understanding of Clinical Handover processes at Emerald Hospital. MoreClosed 20 July 2017 -
Post Accreditation (Periodic Review 2017) Survey
Following a successful Periodic Review in May 2017, all staff are encouraged to provide feedback on the process, to assist to identify leassons learnt and improve our processes for next time. MoreClosed 14 July 2017 -
Maternal and Child Health Service Evaluation Survey
Thank you for agreeing to take part in this important survey measuring client satisfaction for our maternal and child health services. Today we will be gaining your thoughts and opinions in order to continue to improve our services to you and others. This survey should take no more than a couple of minutes. Be assured that all answers you provide will be kept in the strictest confidentiality. Please follow the prompts to continue. MoreClosed 17 June 2017 -
One Government Roadshow Biloela 2017 feedback form
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback at the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service (CQ Health) information booth. Your feedback is strictly confidential and appreciated. MoreClosed 31 May 2017 -
CQ Health Community (People's Choice) Award Nomination Form
CQ Health Community (People’s Choice) Award We are inviting our Central Queensland community, patients or visitors to nominate a staff member or team who you believe have displayed the health service values Care, Integrity, Respect and Commitment and have delivered an outstanding service to patients, visitors or the community. Sponsored by Triple M Central Queensland MoreClosed 8 May 2017 -
Gladstone Hospital Emergency Department community consultation
The Queensland Government will build a new Emergency Department at Gladstone Hospital as part of the $180 million Enhancing Regional Hospitals program. We’d like to hear your thoughts on the current Emergency Department while we work on the design. Tell us what you think. MoreClosed 11 March 2016 -
Car parking at Rockhampton Hospital - your say!
We acknowledge that Rockhampton Hospital has a significant issue with limited parking available on site and on the streets around the facility. We have medium and long term solutions, but they will rely on funding. This consultation seeks your views on a range of options designed to reduce demand for on-site car parking spaces in the short term. It will take about five minutes. There are about 420 car park spaces within the Rockhampton Hospital site boundary (another 20 are being... MoreClosed 12 June 2015 -
CQ Health Community Hub website feedback
Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service has recently launched its CQ Health Community Hub website. The CQ Health Community Hub, is a place to foster engagement between CQHHS and our consumers, community and patients. We want you to play a vital role in shaping how we design, plan and deliver our services. We also want to help you to lead a healthy lifestyle that will improve your quality of life and at the same time reduce the growing pressure on our health services. MoreClosed 31 December 2014 -
Communicating with our consumers - SACS
Optimising our client’s experience is a key component in delivering quality health care. The Subacute Ambulatory and Community Services (SACS) would like to take this opportunity to ask you how our service has performed and if we met your expectations. SACS includes: Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) Blood Borne Viruses/Sexual Health Community Acute Non Acute Services (CANAS): {Hospital in the Home} {Hospital Avoidance Services} {Community Palliative Care Non... MoreClosed 24 December 2014 -
Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy feedback
Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service is committed to ensuring effective engagement with our consumers, community and patients. As part of our approach to patient centred care, CQHHS will involve consumers in the planning, design and delivery of our services. CQHHS is also required under the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 to develop and publish a Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy. Though there are certain legislative and policy requirements on what is include in the... MoreClosed 24 October 2014
52 results.
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